Monday, June 27, 2005

Why You Should Support Brian Schweitzer For President

For my initial post here (thank you Nonpartisan), I thought I would reiterate my attraction to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and why it makes sense that he should be selected as the next Democratic candidate for President of the United States

I am a Democrat, but first and foremost, I am a populist.

I want Democrats to win elections but not at the loss of integrity or forsaking innermost ethics and values a la Karl Rove. Doing such isn't a requirement or a necessity in order to win elections.

But, yes, I am tired of losing.

However, I strongly believe that too many Democratic politicans are too often losing elections by attempting to be all things to all people instead of being who they are, standing for what they believe and letting the chips (results) fall where they may.

Brian Schweitzer is
a person comfortable in his own skin who eschews performing chameleon-like acobatics depending on his audience.

Translated: what you see and hear is what you get from Schweitzer.

He boils down his communication style to this: leading with the heart--authenticity-- rather than what the polls say or focus groups indicate.

George Lakoff's book on frmaing and communicating is important for all of us to learn but Schweitzer is a natural and already doing it

Look at both Schweitzer's framing of and the analogy he used in his response towards the President Bush's Social Security ideas. From the Los Angeles Times:
...He also compared it to a bull auction hawking lousy studs.

"I was watching the governors around the room," said Schweitzer, comparing the group to potential livestock buyers who assess the wares and express their intentions with head-nods or nose-crinkles.

"I was seeing more of this," he said, crinkling his nose as if detecting a foul odor, "than I was of this," he said, nodding his head. "I didn't see a lot of buyers in the room."
Although John Kerry is a very good person, can you imagine the loaded-with-minutae, 33-paragraph response Kerry would have uttered that wouldn't have resonated with anyone but Teresa

And in Courtney Lowery's 6/07/05 article "Schweitzer Tells Bush Off on Roadless Change," Schweitzer again frames an easy-to-picture visual:
"...Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer has (figuratively) told President Bush to either put up or shut up on the administration’s new roadless rule.

The administration announced last month that it had overturned the Clinton-era roadless rule, opening up 58 million acres of roadless land in the West (6.9 million in Montana) to road building. That is, unless governors petition otherwise. Governors now have 18 months to make the decisions on these lands, a responsibility that does not sit well with Schweitzer.

“They’ve given me a broke-down baler and a vice-grip and told me to bale hay,” Schweitzer told New West Tuesday afternoon..."
Schweitzer is a rancher/farmer, has experience as an employer, he hunts and fishes---all the characteristics necessary to appeal to so many of the current voters who feel no affiliation to the Democratic Party. He knows what it is to do back-breaking work and both understands and supports the needs of independent farmers---not just corporate agribusiness.

Schweitzer talks the talk of populism, and unlike many in that category, then walks the talk. He isn't a gazillionaire ensconced in a mansion or a gated community--he IS the talk and the walk.

For far too long, the Democratic Party has been beholden to the corporate world and special interests as much as the Republicans---that must end if regaining credibility with the voting public is to achieved.

Look at Schweitzer in the 5/23/05 edition of USA TODAY:

"Maybe it's something in the water in Washington, or maybe it's all the expensive whiskey the lobbyists are paying for. I have a 72-hour rule. If I stay in Washington for more than 72 hours, I have to bathe myself in the same stuff I use when one of my dogs gets into a fight with a skunk ­ to get the smell out."

Music to my ears.

Kevin McCarthy


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