Friday, June 10, 2005

Schweitzer hits Bush hard on Lou Dobbs

I couldn't watch the tape (work) but the transcript is up now. And sure enough, Schweitzer got off this zinger on the National Guard re-rotation he's advocating:

When you take our assets such as our manpower and our helicopters and our planes, when you take our trucks, our jeeps, I think you have to have a discussion about how can the governors be responsible for our homeland security in each and every one of our states and then take away our assets.
Brilliant stuff. Anyone out there watch?

[Update] Allison Farrell of the Lee State Bureau (parent company of the Billings Gazette, Montana Record, Missoulian, Independent Record, and Ravalli Republic) writes that "Gov. Brian Schweitzer's appearance on Lou Dobbs' show on CNN Thursday was markedly more somber than his appearance two weeks ago." Schweitzer's been fighting this issue for a long time, and traveling to Washington regularly to meet with Anthony Principi and other top brass. He can't afford to be diplomatic any more.


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